The volcano plot below positions signatures according to the gene-specific fold change (x-position) and -log(p-value) (y-position). Signatures were computed using the R package limma. Fold changes are quantile-normalized log2 fold change values.
Red points indicate signatures where the fold change of the chosen gene was < 0, blue points indicate fold change > 0, and gray points indicate fold change == 0. Signatures where the specified gene was significantly expressed in either direction are denoted by darker color and larger point size.
Signature names are of the form "{study name} {GSE number}_{signature number}".
Score indicates the confidence in the accuracy of the signature, calculated by tallying the number of extrapolations made when calculating said signature (eg labelling a sample as a control or perturbation group, and the direction of expression), with lower scores indicating higher confidence in quality (a score of 0 indicates highest confidence, and a score of 3 indicates lowest confidence).
Hover over any point to display the corresponding signature name, score, the p-value, the adjusted p-value, and the fold change.
Use the toolbar on the right side of the plot to pan, zoom, or save the plot.
The tables below show the top 10 signatures in which the gene of interest was up-regulated or down-regulated, respectively. Links are included to the original GEO studies, and the table is available for download as a tsv file.
The first two UMAP components of each signature were pre-computed using the z-score normalized signature vectors, and are plotted below. Signatures where the input gene is significantly up-regulated (based on the adjusted p-value) are colored blue, while signatures where the input gene is significantly down-regulated are colored red. Gray signatures indicate signatures where the gene was not significantly differentially expressed.